Journey to the Angelic Realms: Healing Ceremony + Playshop (Recorded)


Receive affirming messages + empowering transmissions from your guardian angels, your joy guides and the archangels

During this recorded 2 hour experience, you will be guided on a multidimensional journey to the Angelic Realms, as channeled by a professional intuitive.

This journey will assist you with:

  • Learning how to best identify, communicate and connect with your Angelic Guides

  • Upleveling your intuition through activating + clearing your etheric Angelic wings

  • Anchoring Heaven on Earth into your body and your life

  • Taking pride in your Sensitivities + owning them as the Superpowers they are!

  • Helps Empaths + Earth Angels to feel safer + held in higher dimensional frequencies that feel like home

  • Lightening up, healing your heart and releasing your earthly burdens to experience more everyday joy…

This playshop also includes divine feminine wisdom teachings to help you understand and integrate eclipse season energies from a 5D perspective! You will leave with concrete tools for moving through eclipse seasons and powerful astrological times on Planet Earth with more ease and trust versus fear and confusion.

How the multidimensional journeys work:

As you listen, your physical body remains relaxed in this dimension while I lovingly steward your consciousness into a deeper brainwave state – usually between the theta and delta frequencies. This state is optimal for reprogramming the subconscious mind, as well as for profound healing and restoration.

This journey is similar to a guided meditation or yoga nidra, only it is more transformative. After each peaceful journey, you will feel that your consciousness has advanced by leaps and bounds!

Due to the quantum nature of this event, the recording is just as powerful as the live event was. According to the principles of divine timing, your soul will receive exactly what you need, when you are ready for it.

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Receive affirming messages + empowering transmissions from your guardian angels, your joy guides and the archangels

During this recorded 2 hour experience, you will be guided on a multidimensional journey to the Angelic Realms, as channeled by a professional intuitive.

This journey will assist you with:

  • Learning how to best identify, communicate and connect with your Angelic Guides

  • Upleveling your intuition through activating + clearing your etheric Angelic wings

  • Anchoring Heaven on Earth into your body and your life

  • Taking pride in your Sensitivities + owning them as the Superpowers they are!

  • Helps Empaths + Earth Angels to feel safer + held in higher dimensional frequencies that feel like home

  • Lightening up, healing your heart and releasing your earthly burdens to experience more everyday joy…

This playshop also includes divine feminine wisdom teachings to help you understand and integrate eclipse season energies from a 5D perspective! You will leave with concrete tools for moving through eclipse seasons and powerful astrological times on Planet Earth with more ease and trust versus fear and confusion.

How the multidimensional journeys work:

As you listen, your physical body remains relaxed in this dimension while I lovingly steward your consciousness into a deeper brainwave state – usually between the theta and delta frequencies. This state is optimal for reprogramming the subconscious mind, as well as for profound healing and restoration.

This journey is similar to a guided meditation or yoga nidra, only it is more transformative. After each peaceful journey, you will feel that your consciousness has advanced by leaps and bounds!

Due to the quantum nature of this event, the recording is just as powerful as the live event was. According to the principles of divine timing, your soul will receive exactly what you need, when you are ready for it.

Receive affirming messages + empowering transmissions from your guardian angels, your joy guides and the archangels

During this recorded 2 hour experience, you will be guided on a multidimensional journey to the Angelic Realms, as channeled by a professional intuitive.

This journey will assist you with:

  • Learning how to best identify, communicate and connect with your Angelic Guides

  • Upleveling your intuition through activating + clearing your etheric Angelic wings

  • Anchoring Heaven on Earth into your body and your life

  • Taking pride in your Sensitivities + owning them as the Superpowers they are!

  • Helps Empaths + Earth Angels to feel safer + held in higher dimensional frequencies that feel like home

  • Lightening up, healing your heart and releasing your earthly burdens to experience more everyday joy…

This playshop also includes divine feminine wisdom teachings to help you understand and integrate eclipse season energies from a 5D perspective! You will leave with concrete tools for moving through eclipse seasons and powerful astrological times on Planet Earth with more ease and trust versus fear and confusion.

How the multidimensional journeys work:

As you listen, your physical body remains relaxed in this dimension while I lovingly steward your consciousness into a deeper brainwave state – usually between the theta and delta frequencies. This state is optimal for reprogramming the subconscious mind, as well as for profound healing and restoration.

This journey is similar to a guided meditation or yoga nidra, only it is more transformative. After each peaceful journey, you will feel that your consciousness has advanced by leaps and bounds!

Due to the quantum nature of this event, the recording is just as powerful as the live event was. According to the principles of divine timing, your soul will receive exactly what you need, when you are ready for it.

When you purchase this recording, you will receive:

  • Quantum energy healing to activate and expand key energy centers, including your heart chakras and your etheric Angelic wings

  • 5D Wisdom teachings to help you understand the power of eclipse seasons alongside  simple and practical tips for how to manage your energies before, during and after eclipse seasons

  • Channeled energetic transmissions from the angels that help you to lighten up, release your burdens, manage your energy and upgrade your consciousness

  • Empowering guidance + messages from loving angelic guides, including Archangel Raphael, Archangel Ariel and your unique guardian angels

  • A safe, grounded multidimensional journey to the Angelic Realms - held within sacred community of lightworkers

  • A therapeutic space to help you relax your nervous system, nourish your body, release repressed emotions and be deeply restored in your own home

  • Learn how prayer is a powerful form of spiritual technology and an important way to communicate with your angels

  • Uplevel your intention setting practice with this sacred community of lightworkers at the ending of this recording

  • Additional insights from the Q+A portion of these recorded events - other people’s questions often support your growth journey too!

You will receive everything the live group participants had access to except for the option to join the classes in real-time and ask live questions.


Once you purchase this event recording, it will immediately be available for download in the order-confirmation page. You will also receive an order-confirmation email, followed by an email containing a link to the mp4 file. If you do not see your email, please check spam, promotion and trash folders and search your inboxes for "janacarrey." If you still cannot find it, please email me at

Once you download the mp4 file, the event recording is yours to keep and use forever.

Recording time markers: We take a brief pause from 1:10:26 - 1:12:24 and that the last 20 minutes of this recording is time for group sharing + prayer setting.

For additional eclipse season support, read my free Journal Article: Understanding + Navigating Eclipse Seasons

Song in the beginning: Mystery Angel by Xavier Rudd

I recommend subsequent listenings for deeper healing and activations.


“I’ve attended almost every group healing ceremony and playshop Jana has hosted. And whether I attend live or listen to the recording after the fact, I always receive so much.  Jana does a really fantastic job of speaking and teaching in a way that reflects her compassion, love, consideration and safety, rather than things like force, judgment, or inadvertently projecting unprocessed pain onto others. The level of integrity that Jana holds in her work and towards others, is not an easy thing to find in the world of teaching and healing. 

In the days since I’ve listened to the Journey to the Angelic Realms recorded playshop, I’ve been receiving a LOT of angelic guidance and it has been easier to take action on this guidance. For me, this tends to show up as ideas and thoughts that tend to be a little different (read: of higher integrity or more true and authentic to me), kind of wedging their way into my logical, and (often) ego-driven desires or ideas…and the higher guidance I’ve been receiving since listening to this recording, just feels SPOT on. I’ve also been seeing so many more angel numbers! SO fun. 

Loving the clarity I’ve been receiving with my angelic support since listening to this recording, and I feel so confident about the direction that I feel like I’m being invited into, and accepting the invitation with an open heart and excitement! Thank you Jana.” 

- Patti C., Colorado

"Thank you for creating this sacred healing channel and amazing group healing ceremony. I am an Intuitive Reiki Master, but connecting to the guides you channel are brand new for  me. This was the 2nd New Moon for New Earth healing ceremony I attended. Obviously, it is what my soul  needs in this moment. Both  times, more so this past session, as soon as you start the connection  channel, I go into such a deep state, I lose conscious awareness  immediately until it has ended. I wake up feeling relaxed and  peaceful. As  my reactions are so deep and powerful, I am excited to continue with  you on these new moon new earth group healings as my sense is my soul needs them deeply.”

- Denise, Reiki Master + Healer

“This New Moon gathering was divine! So much magick and synchronicity. I am very inspired in my own divine feminine leadership by your leadership Jana!”

- Erika J., Occidental, California

​​“These NMNE gatherings are very profound each time. I’ve been attending the gatherings now since fall of last year and each month the energy and the experience is so different yet so perfect every time. Jana, the overlighting guides, and the ascended masters are so caring and nurturing that it’s very easy to relax into the experience. Some gatherings I saved and played over and over as I went to sleep to help me integrate and heal on a subconscious level as well. Beautiful…”

- Katie Silkina, Greater Toronto Area, Canada


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Due to the digital nature of this content, refunds are not available. 

Questions? Email me at

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