FOR Women who are ready to break up with the toxicity of Hustle culture for good & Step into a whole New Paradigm of overflowing vitality.

A unique private 1:1 mentorship program that supports ambitious, awake, dynamic + deep women — who want to learn how to thrive in modern life in a way that is regenerative, nourishing and that authentically feels good.

This transformative mentorship experience interweaves quantum energy healing, masterful intuitive council, somatic support and embodiment practices with professional flower essence therapy so you can feel safe, strong and vibrantly alive in your body — as you were always meant to live.

The Nourished Woman Mentorship is a revolutionary, paradigm-shifting journey of transformation that will change your life for the better in infinite ways.

Together, we help you say goodbye to the old paradigm of burn out + depletion as you step into a whole new paradigm of overflowing wellness + vitality.

Beautiful Woman, you have so much to offer the world and it does not come at the unbearable expense of you sacrificing your Soul.

During intense times on the planet, when the suffering and pain of the world can feel so loud and pervasive, is often when empathic, heart-centered, overachieving (likely people-pleasing and perfectionist) women can get the most imbalanced. Overgiving, stretching themselves beyond their capacity and staying caught in a vicious cycles of ongoing burn out.

One of the invitations offered to you during these rapidly evolving times on Planet Earth is to give yourself permission to put yourself first in radical new ways. You were not created to suffer, struggle, feel depleted, and to be sick and tired all the time. You were not meant to be all things to all people, trying to rescue others (or an entire planet) from suffering, while simultaneously denying your own very real human needs and putting yourself last.

Doing it all for everyone, all by yourself is a toxic, worn-out myth. It does not make you a heroine - it will only break you down and make you resentful.

The Hustle Culture way of life is based in old-paradigm, patriarchal (also known as the kyriarchy) programming — a viral program run on violence, oppression, domination and massive amounts of dense, sticky FEAR.

Over many years of working intimately with women, I have witnessed how this toxic viral conditioning has left so many brilliant women across the globe — from vastly unique backgrounds — feeling burned out, under-resourced and malnourished on many levels. That's the dark-side of what this old, fear-based, viral programming was designed to do, literally self-destruct. Ultimately it serves NO ONE. But you are wiser than that. You will not get stuck running on that hamster wheel of a broken and dying system.

The really good news is that there is a new paradigm way to live life! I call this new way of living the Nourished Paradigm and it begins with you truly nourishing, honoring and valuing yourself, your body, and your life — as the precious gifts that they are.

The fact that you are reading these words right now is a sign that you are ready - likely more than ready - to step into the Nourished Paradigm too.

As a New Paradigm Spiritual Teacher, Women’s Empowerment Mentor + Master Intuitive Healer, I've created a revolutionary 1:1 transformational mentorship program called The Nourished Woman. 

The Nourished Woman was born from a deep Soul desire I have to guide other women to leave behind the suffering of never-ending struggle and to step into an entirely new way of living. A new way of living that is about thriving from a place of overflow, not about just merely surviving from a place of scarcity. 

I am overjoyed to be offering this mentorship to you now during these pivotal and rapidly changing times. This is a time on Planet Earth where we have the ability as humans to shift our consciousness and transform for the better like never before!

The Nourished Woman Mentorship is the antidote to the deeply unhealthy, insanely fast-paced, “harder, better, faster, stronger,” mentality of the digital age we are living in. What I call “hustle culture” or “the depletion paradigm.”

The Nourished Woman Mentorship Program is about taking a beautiful, luxurious and sustainable journey together to remember that your very wise Soul, your eternally loving heart, your regulated nervous system + your beautiful body are the experts of your life. This mentorship does not require you to follow a cookie-cutter 5-step plan (that only works for a few people) or about needing to get it all perfect to prove your worth to the world from a place of lack and separation.

It is about remembering and reclaiming that what is “right” for you is often what feels the very best to you. And it’s the opposite of what many of us were taught and how many of us were conditioned to operate. What is truly nourishing for you, will likely look and feel very different then the way a majority of the world around you still operates — which is why this process is so hard, if not impossible, to do on your own.

That is why I created this program as a private 1:1 mentorship program, so that I can meet you exactly where you are at and provide you with exquisitely personalized support to guide you gently back to a feel good, regenerative, fully nourished life.

You are WORTHY of releasing the false narratives, the cultural conditioning, the familial imprints that keep you locked in cycles of imbalance and patterns of self-harm and scarcity, especially sneaky, subtle forms of self-harm like comparing yourself to others and negative self-talk. You are WORTHY of living in a way that feels expansive and honors your Soul, your body, your nervous system and the unique way your energy wants to flow. You are WORTHY and deserving of feeling fully nourished, radiant + grateful to be alive — with your cup overflowing.

Together, let’s have some fun as we help you learn and reclaim your right to a feel-good life, in the most authentic, coherent, aligned, and resonant way. Let’s end eons of violence and abuse on this planet in the most gentle, beautiful and pleasurable way possible. Let’s establish a new paradigm of nourished, vital, well rested, healthy women on this planet — a new paradigm that begins with you.

I look forward to guiding you through this transformational program to live your life as the nourished woman you were always meant to be.

With love, gratitude + honor,

Jana & the EL

Nourished Women are the key to a more regenerative future on Planet Earth.


If you are interested in this private mentorship program with Jana,
the next step is to book a Flower Essence Therapy Session

After your first session, Jana and you will determine if it is a aligned fit to work together in a deeper mentorship container.

The Nourished Woman

A six-month transformative mentorship for women who yearn to feel vital + alive again.

Nourished Woman: $3333 · $577 / MONTH FOR 6 MONTHS

The VIP Experience: $6555 · $1144/ MONTH FOR 6 MONTHS

Depending on the level of support you desire, we will meet once or twice a month for 90-minute bespoke healing sessions that weave in therapeutic counsel, somatic coaching, flower essence therapy, quantum energy healing, intuitively-channeled guidance and customized embodiment practices.

Our first session is a deep dive + energetic audit of your life - where we will bringer greater clarity into areas of your life that are out of alignment or even toxic. We will also shine the loving light of awareness onto the places, patterns and people that are causing energy leaks and ongoing life force depletion. We will also establish the greater vision and intention for your most optimum well-being.

During our time together, you learn what truly nourishes you and gently let go of that which does not. Along with your Higher Self and your loving spirit guides, we will align with the quantum (future) timelines where you already exist in a place of overflow and holy wholeness. This will support you in embodying your infinite potential in the present.

In between sessions, you will continue your healing and integration by taking your customized flower essence formulas. You will also have the option for bi-monthly check-ins and additional support via email or voice-mail messenger.


    · 6 90-minute private 1:1 healing sessions (1 per month)

    · My full undivided, laser-focused presence during all our sessions

    · The choice of email or voice-messenger support in-between sessions, up to 8 therapeutic (nonadministrative) emails or voice messages total (approximately 1 per month)

    · My expertise as an Advanced Therapeutic Practitioner, Master Intuitive Channel, Quantum Energy Healer and Licensed + Certified Flower Essence Therapist

    · Six custom-blended, 1-oz flower essence formulas

    · Shipping + Handling for flower essences (domestic USA only)

    · You can receive an audio and video recording of your session at no additional cost

    · 50% off anything in my shop while we are in active mentorship together (giftcards not included)

    · Being held in a six-month compassionate, therapeutic container

    · Highly customized rituals and home-play practices to support your unique healing journey (no spiritual BS or busy work here!)

    · The option to continue to work together beyond six-months time, if it feels aligned to both parties


    Everything listed above as well as

    · 12 90-minute private 1:1 healing sessions (2 per month)

    · The choice of email or voice-messenger support in-between sessions, up to 14 therapeutic (nonadministrative) emails or voice messages total (approximately 2 per month)

    · 2 bonus 1 oz combination flower essence formulas such as CALM or PROTECTION


The 1:1 Nourished Woman Mentorship

If you are interested in this private mentorship with Jana,
the next step is to book a Flower Essence Therapy Session.

After your first session, Jana and you will determine if it is a aligned fit to work together in a deeper mentorship container.

Mentorship Practices



What makes the Nourished Woman Mentorship program truly priceless is that you will be held in a multidimensional mentorship matrix where you will feel deeply supported, held and seen. The EL and I create exquisite energetic containers for every single mentorship client who chooses to cross the threshold and work together intimately. This is a big part of what makes my mentorship programs very unique and unlike any other form of therapy, coaching or mentorship that exists. In other words, I am in energetic (and often telepathic) communication with your Soul throughout the entirety of the mentorship. This means you will be energetically connected to my Higher Self and my spiritual guidance council 24/7. Depending on your level of intuition and sensitivity to subtle energies, you may be able to feel my ongoing energetic support at pivotal growth points. (It is there whether you can feel it or not).

This looks and feels a little bit different to each client but can range from having me show up in your dreams with uplifting messages or feeling my presence in your waking life receiving words of wisdom at time you need them most. This mentorship matrix enables you to experience a beautiful combination of profound shifts with greater ease throughout the mentorship time together - on the energetic, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This includes releasing of old limiting beliefs and unhelpful patterns, awakenings of gifts, intuitive insights, greater life clarity, A-HA’s and deep transformation even when we're not together in session.


Just as you practice hygiene for your physical body and your home, we will help you learn good hygiene practices for your mental, emotional and energetic bodies. This may mean unlearning or letting go of practices that you thought were helpful, but no longer serve you. Each session is divinely designed to meet your needs at that moment and help you elevate your self-care to the next level. You will also receive personalized practices, tools + rituals to support you on all levels as energy hygiene is unique to each individual and changes throughout our life.


This service combines the vibrational medicine of flower essences with quantum energy healing, intuitive guidance + professional therapeutic council. Connect with the innate healing of loving plant allies and receive flower essence tinctures curated just for you that will support you with grounding, integrating and embodying the work we do during our sacred sessions. The benefits of Flower Essence Therapy include: greater emotional + energetic freedom, restored health and balance — emotionally, mentally and physically, healing trauma safely, nervous system support and much more


In tandem with flower essence therapy, each session will be filled with Quantum Energy Healing. My version of quantum healing is deeply intuitive + will activate physical upgrades within your cells + chakras that will then radiate outward into all aspects of your life. When I connect on your behalf with the quantum field, the invisible web that unifies all existence, true and lasting healing will become possible.


Soul Coaching, is a unique therapeutic coaching modality I developed when doctoral-level psychology education made me realize that today's psychotherapy — even celebrated forms like CBT — can fall short of providing sustainable transformation for those courageous lightworkers, wayshowers and revolutionary humans on the “cutting edge” or “creative edge” of consciousness.

In Soul Coaching, I combine “new paradigm” approaches like somatic practices to support the regulation of your nervous system, multidimensional dreamwork and past-parallel llife integration to go beyond where most traditional talk therapists, psychologists or life coaches can or will go. Rather than working with just your mind or ego for years of endless mental processing, this holistic therapy will tend to your Soul, making your healing faster, more fun and effective.


Don’t let the word audit scare you! A key part of this mentorship begins with a loving, fun and honest energetic audit of your life, so we can access what is working for you and what is depleting you and draining your life force energy. With my laser-focused intuitive (psychic) gifts I will help shine a light on shadow patterns + hidden energy leaks. Throughout our transformative journey together, we will work at pace that meets the capacity of your unique nervous system to shift these unhelpful patterns and release limiting core beliefs, one gentle step at a time. Over the course of our 6 months together, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your energy levels as you come to live your life from a deeply nourished place.


If you are interested in this private mentorship with Jana, the next step is to book a Flower Essence Therapy Session.

After your first session, Jana and you will determine if it is a aligned fit to work together in a deeper mentorship container.

The Nourished Woman

is this the right path for me?

If you can identify with one or more of the following then the Nourished Woman was created especially for you:

  • Healers, practitioners, therapists + caretakers who are experiencing compassion fatigue, feel resentful of their loved ones / clients and that you have nothing left to give — who want to feel restored, in love with life and lit up by your sacred service

  • Leaders, wayshowers, teachers + activists who feel used up, burned out and checked out — who yearn to feel inspired + passionate about your calling again

  • Empaths, starseeds, lightworkers + energetically sensitive women who struggle with co-dependency, inconsistent boundaries and low self-worth; who tend to feel overwhelmed in today's fast-paced digitally obsessed society

  • Artists, creatives + creative entrepreneurs who are blocked, stagnant and stuck — who want to get back into their zone of genius and expand into new levels of flow

  • Women recovering from chronic fatigue and chronic illness, including heavy metals, lyme, EBV and long COVID — who know there is a life of greater health + well-being waiting for you

  • Women recovering from addictions + eating disorders — who want healthier ways of nourishing yourself and meeting your true needs

  • Mothers who are exhausted from trying to balance it all — who want a space for yourself to feel nourished + held

  • Women in the depths of dark night of the soul and/or who are struggling with unrelenting ascension symptoms such as having trouble staying grounded, sleep troubles, circadian rhythm imbalance + nervous system overload — who want to feel good in your body + on the Earth

  • If you feel called to the Nourished Woman Mentorship program but you are not a woman, I encourage you to learn more and apply all the same. Although most of the clients I serve are women or identify as women, I do serve some beautiful courageous men as well as courageous individuals who do not identify with a binary gender. I know gender can be a complex and nuanced part of one's identity and I fully honor your shifting and evolving experience. You deserve to live life as a nourished human, no matter where you identify on the gender spectrum!

Ready to break up with the toxic depletion of hustle culture for good?

If you are interested in this private mentorship with Jana,
the next step is to book a Flower Essence Therapy Session.

After your first session, Jana and you will determine if it is a aligned fit to work together in a deeper mentorship container.

Returning clients

You are WELCOME apply for this new mentorship program.

If it has been at least three months since our last session together, the next step is to book a Flower Essence Therapy Session.

 Optional Add-On :

The Higher-Self Encoded Essence Package


EMPOWERMENT PAYMENT PLAN · 2 Payments of $577 x Month


A custom-channeled gem essence elixir made from and encoded with your Higher Self's crystalline light — to last you decades along with a channeled booklet of past-life wisdom from your Higher Self, rituals and mantra(s) sent specifically to you from above and unshakable support through any dark moments on your embodied ascension journey.


Rare + precious alchemy for the rare + precious gem you are.

This potent form of ancient alchemy will change your life.

With the Higher-Self Encoded Essence Package, you will discover spiritual powers you never knew you had (at least not in this lifetime). Most importantly, you always feel in connection with your Higher Self — even during the most difficult phases of your journey.

This is TRULY Ancient Alchemy for Modern Beings®.

  • International clients, outside the continental USA, pay a flat rate shipping and handling charge, to be determined based on geographic location.



Your Higher Self encoded into a crystal essence elixir you ingest to amplify your connection with the beyond 

I promise this will be groundbreaking for your spiritual development: your eternal essence and wisdom literally downloaded into a medicine for elevating your body and awareness. I will give you personalized instructions on when and how to take it.

A four- to seven-page message channeled from your Higher Self with insights from past-parallel lifetimes

Reading the light-encoded booklet will evoke powerful changes before you even take your elixir.

Unique-to-you rituals to elevate the power of the essence and your Higher Self's teachings

I will channel a word or phrase that encapsulates a key-code phrase and mantra that comes directly from your soul. When you repeat it during the ascension rituals I give you, you will feel the power of your Higher-Self Encoded Essence working within your energy field so you can live as your soul’s light while in human form. 

Everything you need to multiply your essence when it runs low — so you'll have it for 10+ years

You'll receive mother, stock and dosage essence bottles, plus clear instructions on how to care for your essence, so you can extend the life of your Higher-Self Encoded Essence for years to come without diluting its power.

IF you want to feel fully nourished, radiant + grateful to be alive — with your cup overflowing — than The Nourished Woman Program is the right next step for you.

If you are interested in this private mentorship with Jana, the next step is to book a Flower Essence Therapy Session.

After your first session, Jana and you will determine if it is a aligned fit to work together in a deeper mentorship container.


Any lingering questions?