• I am primarily a virtual healing business which allows me to safely serve a global clientele through classes, workshops, mentorship, intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing and flower essence therapy. All sessions are conducted over the phone or Zoom. I do not currently offer in-person sessions.

    After you book and pay for your session, you will be guided to fill out an intake form that will set the foundation for our sacred session. In this intake form, you will let me know your preferred avenue of communication, phone or Zoom

    Zoom is definitely the best option for international clients (outside of the USA) and for those clients who feel more comfortable working face-to-face. If you want an audio and video recording of your session, then we must meet on Zoom.

  • What we say during a sacred session, via e-mail correspondence or as part of our mentorship stays between us (you and me) and only us. Many client sessions go into very sensitive personal matters and I take my obligation to protect your confidentiality very seriously and with deep integrity. It is an honor to respect your privacy.

  • 1:1 Session Recordings: Each session is automatically recorded for your benefit and education, unless you request otherwise. You will be emailed the audio + video files of each recording up to 48 hours after your session.

    There are never refunds offered because of technological issues connected to session recordings. Once we send you the recordings you have 2 weeks to download the recordings. After that time, they are deleted from the private Jana Carrey Healing Google Drive. If you accidentally misplace your recordings we can resend them to you for a $15 administrative fee per individual recording file.

    Mentorship clients: Two weeks after your mentorship ends, all your client recording files are deleted for privacy and storage purposes.

    Classes + Event Recordings: If you misplace the recording once the event recording links expires, you can purchase the class or event for the original price of admission / energy exchange. Please visit the shop or email to purchase past event recordings.

  • Please send an email to for further support.

    It may help to know that booking and payment processing for your 1:1 session with Jana happens through a third-party booking website called Acuity Scheduling (a Squarespace Company), your payments are collected and processed through third-party payment processing platforms. When you go to check out, you have the option of using either Stripe or Paypal. Both are well known, encrypted and very safe ways of sending payment electronically.

  • This is detailed in the terms + conditions that you agree to when you book a session, when you are running late, please make all possible attempts to let me know via text or email that you are still coming (contact details are included in your scheduling emails), so I will know to keep the original window open for our session.

    Regardless of communication attempts, if you are not in session by 15 minutes after the start time, your session will be considered a NO SHOW and your session time is forfeited without a refund. The opportunity to rebook for a fee will be at Jana’s discretion.

  • Refund Policy:

    While I honor and am empathetic to the fact that there are many things that can come up in your life, I do not offer refunds for sessions once they have been booked. My Higher Self begins to work with clients when you book a session with me and the energetic exchange begins before we even get into sacred session together. You will likely start to notice your energy shifting or a sense of relief as soon as you book the session, that is part of the multidimensional nature of this work. Please know, I am quite firm with my boundaries to honor the integrity of this work.

    Schedule Changes & Cancellation Policy:

    We send out a complimentary confirmation emails when you first book your session. Then you get a series of 3 confirmation reminder emails: 48 hours, 12 hours and 1 hour ahead of your appointment to help you remember your appointment.

    If you need to change or reschedule a client session, please do so at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a rescheduling fee.

    If you want to reschedule with less than 24 hours notice, a fee of 50% of your original session price may be charged for last minute rescheduling.

    If you are not in session by 15 minutes after your originally scheduled appointment time, then our session is regarded as a no show and you forfeit your session and your fee.

    Please note once a session or mentorship package is paid for all sales are final and there are no refunds.

    Classes, workshops and event registration are all non-refundable. All sales are final unless otherwise stated on the event /workshop/class website. In the case that you cannot make a live event or workshop, you will be provided with a live recording, unless registration states otherwise. Please always check the individual registration policy per event.

    Digital products are non-refundable and non-transferable. Gift cards are non-refundable but can be transferred to another individual by emailing

  • Absolutely. Please send an email to for further support.

  • All the digital recordings in my shop are audio files that are now in m4a format. (Some earlier recordings are mp3 and are listed as such). Certain workshops also include the ability to download video is in mp4 format.

    Both m4a and mp4 files are playable on most devices using standard media playback applications such as Quicktime or Windows MediaPlayer.

    You may also try "VLC" as it is a free alternative, available for both Windows and Mac OS. (Google “VLC Player” to download from the internet - the application symbol looks like a traffic cone.)

    For iOS (iPhone, iPad), the m4a is the native audio format so the files should automatically select the correct application.
    If you have difficulty downloading these formats, be sure to connect with the Help Desk associated with your particular device for added support, as it is beyond my ability to provide tech support on a case by case basis.

    If your issue is with being unable to download or access the original file, email

  • YES! I’ve created a Referral Program that is simple and is designed to be a win-win-win. It helps me reach more amazing humans like yourself through the trustworthy route of word-of-mouth referrals. As a thank you, you get some pretty sweet bonuses towards future 1:1 sessions with me.

    Here's how it works: For every person you refer to me who books a 1:1 session, you will receive a $100 bonus.

    You can use your bonus towards any 1:1 session with me, towards a class or workshop, or even use it in my shop.

    You will receive additional bonuses for each person who you refer to me (who books a session). You can combine multiple bonuses if you desire towards a session, package or mentorship.

    Please make sure to let your peeps know that you referred them to me, so that I know who to send the thank you bonus to!

  • The EL is my Spiritual Guidance Council with whom I work intimately everyday. When you work with me, you also work with the EL. Everything we do is a co-creation. EL stands for eternal love. In truth EL is a light-encoded symbol with many multidimensional meanings but for brevity purposes we use the EL. Learn more about the EL and I here.

  • No, I do not offer same-day appointments. Please do not ask; the answer will be no. To schedule your appointment, go through my website and choose the session type that you would like. Then you will be guided to my online scheduling system, where you'll see the next available dates and times. Some weeks, you may be able to book within a few days. This is becoming less common as my practice grows. Thank you in advance for your patience. Please know that as soon as you book your appointment with me, the energy of the session already starts to work on you and you may already start to experience relief and feel better, even weeks ahead of your first session. This is due to the very unique, masterful and quantum nature in which I work with the Universe.

  • No. I ask clients to be somewhere quiet and free of distractions for our session. Your full presence alongside my full presence is part of what makes these sessions so powerful. Some clients like to have sessions in their car for privacy reasons, which is fine, as long as your car is safely parked and there is a strong WiFi or cellular signal on your device at the time our session is set to begin.

    Receiving quantum energy healing while driving or multitasking is dangerous. Quantum energy healing changes your brain wave patterns to a theta or delta state and slows down your nervous system.

    While this is excellent for healing, it is not ideal for the quick reaction times needed while driving. If you call into our session while driving, I will ask you to drive to a safe spot and I will postpone beginning the session until you are safely parked. Any delays will count towards your total session time. We take your health and safety seriously.

    Lastly, I know modern living can be incredibly busy, but please give yourself the gift of your session without distractions. If managing time, overwhelm and priorities is something that is hard for you, please let me know during our session and we will do some clearing & healing to address this in a potent and loving way.

  • When we are in sacred session together, you can ask me anything! Although I encourage you to prioritize the top 1 - 3 things that you want most support with, to help focus our session and maximize our time together.

    I work with clients from all walks of life, who are on different stages of the healing journey and are wanting support in many arenas of life.

    There is no need to be embarrassed or worried about your questions or anything that is arising to be shared.

    If you ask me something that I feel uncomfortable discussing or that feels beyond the scope of what I am able to receive intuitive guidance on, I'll let you know and we'll move on to something else. (Please note this has never happened before).

    My intention is to use our time in a 1:1 session together as dynamically as possible to pass on compassionate, practical intuitive guidance that will help empower you to take the next steps in your heroic human journey.

    I don't judge or criticize you, your lifestyle, your choices, your circumstances, your past, etc. I create a safe space where I can channel the unconditional love and honoring of Source Consciousness, for my clients.

    My intention is that you are able to palpably feel that deep love and compassion for all of who you are when we are in session together, as well as before and after.

  • During our sessions, when I open my “channel” to Source Energy, I am primarily connecting with my Higher Self, who is communicating with your Higher Self. This also includes being an open line of communication for your unconditionally loving guides and my guidance team (whom I lovingly call the EL ®, a Council of Light including Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters) to receive information for your highest good.

    While creating the sacred ceremonial container of our session, I invite your ancestors and any of your guides who are here to show up ONLY in support of your highest good and in unconditional love into our sacred circle.

    Although “mediumship” (aka contacting those who have crossed over) is not the main focus of the work I do with clients, sometimes loved ones who have crossed over or ancestors may come forward with a message for your healing or empowerment. If that happens, I am honored to pass the message along to you and serve as a channel to facilitate loving connection between you and the other side of the veil, again, as long as it is coming from a pure place of unconditional love and serving your highest evolution.

    Also, helping you to heal and clear the wounds, trauma, karmic density, conditioning and viral programming that you are carrying and healing on behalf of your ancestors and family (living and deceased) is absolutely part of the work we do together, especially with the Nourished Woman Mentorship and within the Sovereign Woman Mentorship.

  • Flower essences are a form of natural plant medicine that you take internally in "formulas" or "elixirs" similar to herbal tinctures. For this reason, you can think of flower essences as "energetic herbalism." Flower essences are a form of vibrational healing that utilize the intelligence of the plant spirits themselves to remove emotional and energetic blockages in the major chakras or "energy centers" of the body. They are a powerful yet completely gentle and safe alternative healing modality. Flower essences are the energetic imprint which can also be thought of as the spirit of a plant, the healing intelligence of a specific flower or plant itself.

  • Flower essences are completely safe, and there are no contraindications in taking them. They can be used alongside any other medications, herbs or supplements you are taking. They are safe and gentle enough to be used with babies, children, pregnant and nursing women, those who are chronically ill and dying, and animals. You can even use flower essences with your other flowers and plants! So basically any living thing can benefit from flower essences.

  • Flower essences are an incredibly sustainable and nontoxic form of botanical medicine that has been around for centuries.

    You only need one flower to make an essence. That creates the “mother essence” that can then go on to create hundreds or even thousands of individual remedies. Because flower essences are homeopathic, the level of dilution they require makes them an incredibly sustainable and ecologically safe choice. Essential oils and herbal tinctures require significantly more plant material to produce, when often the essence of a plant is just as effective.

    I don't condone making essences from endangered or threatened plants, unless you use the “no-pick” method and even then proceed with respect for the plants and the Earth herself. Never pick, harvest or forage anything, no matter how common or rare, unless you get a full and undeniable yes from the plant itself that it wants you to work with it. Just as with human relationships, consent, honor and respect is key to healing and harmony.

  • Yes, you can take flower essences even with flower allergies. These botanical remedies are the most gentle form of herbal and plant medicine that exists, and many people are surprised to learn that they have no flavor, no fragrance and contain no physical plant matter. (The formulas you receive will have a slight, lovely flavor due to the homeopathic amounts of brandy used to preserve the formula. If you are sensitive to even minute amounts of alcohol, I am more than happy to prepare your formula with organic flax glycerine or organic apple cider vinegar as a substitute). Because flower essences contain no physical plant matter or pollen, they do not cause allergic reactions. I have given flower essences to many clients who suffer from seasonal hayfever and are allergic to many flowers and plants with no contraindications.

  • No! I get asked this a lot, and I want to help clear up this confusion. Flower essences are unique and different from essential oils.

    A flower essence is the energetic imprint of the flower (or plant, tree or crystal) imprinted in the water and ideally made in a sacred ritual honoring the flowers, the elements, the elementals and the Earth. Flower essences are a form of vibrational medicine that works at the subtle energy levels and that supports removing blocks in the chakras.

    You need very few flowers to make an essence (Less is more!) making this a very sustainable, Earth-friendly practice. (And if you are working with a very rare plant, you can even make an essence using the no-pick method). Flower essences are liquid and are usually taken internally using a dropper bottle (like an herbal or homeopathic tincture).

    Essential oils are made by taking a lot of plant or flower matter and distilling them down into an oil. This requires a lot of plant material to make one bottle, making essential oils less sustainable that flower essences in terms of production.

    Generally speaking, essential oils are used topically on the body / in body products, as scents or are woven into organic, green home-care products. I enjoy essential oils and think they are a much safer, greener way to clean and scent your home and laundry than toxic air fresheners and harsh chemical cleaners that poison your body and the environment.

    Professionally speaking, I do NOT recommend taking essential oils internally or applying them directly on the skin. I have seen highly sensitive clients (and myself) develop allergic reactions to essential oils used directly on the skin or taken internally.

    The practice of healing with flower essences is called flower essence therapy or flower essence alchemy; the practice of healing with essential oils is called aromatherapy. In truth, flower essence therapy is actually much more similar to the principles of homeopathy and has very little to do with aromatherapy.

    You will see some practitioners and companies combine homeopathic formulas with flower essences. If you find homeopathy supportive for you, you will LOVE flower essence therapy.

    Lastly, flower essences are much more subtle and refined at a vibrational level than essential oils, and thus they should not be stored alongside essential oils. The essential oil can overpower the flower essence and compromise the formula.

  • Flower essences are a subtle form of plant spirit medicine that you can easily integrate into your daily routine. Unlike other forms of plant medicine, they are not psychedelic, psychotropic or hallucinogenic. Flower essences work very gently over time, yet are still incredibly powerful, making them safe even for babies, people with chronic illnesses and the elderly to use. As I discussed above, we have been trained or conditioned in modern Western society to seek “extremes” and intense experiences. Flower essences work according to Divine Feminine principles and are much more yin and gentle in nature. This does not make them less powerful. Less intense does not equal less powerful. We are relearning how to live in balance with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, and flower essence therapy has a beautiful role to play in this.

    Psychotropic forms of plant medicine, such as ayahuasca, peyote, cannabis, san pedro, etc., can be rather intense on the body, should only be done in sacred ritual containers and require periods of deep integration afterwards. These latter forms of psychotropic plant medicine can sometimes be used in addictive ways or unhealthy habitual patterns by those individuals weaning off of other forms of pharmaceutical medications or who may use “plant medicine” to check out. It is important to note that you cannot become addicted to flower essences. In fact, I have used flower essences to help many clients release addictive habits and patterns.

    There is no need to journey to an ashram in India or visit a shaman in Peru to receive the benefits of the power of the flowers! Flower essences integrate easily into your everyday life and do not require periods of integration in the way that psychedelic forms of plant medicine do. In fact, I have made essences for clients to help them integrate back into their daily life when they were having a hard time “grounding” back into their body after intense shamanic, awakening, plant medicine and/or other ritual experiences.

  • It is best to keep your flower essences in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight. Flower essences are sensitive, living, vibrational medicine. With proper care and mindfulness, your essences can last 10-15 years or longer!

    Store flower essences away from essential oils or anything that has a strong perfume or scent. Highly trafficked areas and areas with a lot of electronics, microwaves and EMF radiation can compromise your essences, so it's best to store them in “quieter, calmer” areas of your home or office.

    For ease in remembering to take your customized essence, I recommend clients store their essence on their bedside table to take first thing in the morning and last thing at night, with their vitamins and supplements or in their medicine cabinet — again, away from anything with a heavy scent or strong chemical formula.

    If you do notice your essence grows moldy, cloudy or discolored with time, please do not continue to use a moldy essence. This is not toxic mold but natural mold like what grows on organic food that has been left out too long. Essences can “go bad” over time, especially if the alcohol in the formula evaporates due to the essence bottle not being closed properly or if the essence is overexposed to heat or gets energetically compromised in some other way. You can pour an essence that has gone bad out onto the Earth and return them back to Gaia, in the same way you’d reuse gray water.

  • Any essences that you lose, knock over, spill or damage can be reordered for a small $50 fee as well as additional flat-rate shipping costs. If you would like to reorder an essence that you lost or misplaced, please email

    If for any reason your essence does not make it to you based on shipping errors on your end (e.g. failure to check your mailbox, providing the incorrect address, moving and forgetting to let me know, mail carrier negligence, package thieves, etc.) you will be charged a $50 remake fee + shipping and handling. As a small, one-woman healing business, I cannot absorb the time and cost to remake lost, missing or damaged flower essences without a small fee for my time, the materials and the shipping/handling costs.

    Based on the personal and intimate nature of this work, there are no refunds on custom flower essences.

    If your essence arrives to you damaged in any way, please let me know within 1-2 business days so we can support you with a replacement. (After that 48 hour window has closed, replacements will be made on a case-by-case basis, and I may be unable to assist you).

  • Yes! I ship flower essences safely to clients all over the world for a small additional flat-rate fee. The price of domestic shipping is already included when you book a Flower Essence Therapy and the Flower Medicine Journey. Non-domestic USA and International shipping is extra.

    I currently ship all packages with the United States Postal Service (USPS) First Class and/or Priority mail. You are welcome to request your essences be mailed to you faster, but you will be responsible for the additional shipping fees.

    Please note Jana Carrey Healing is not responsible for any custom fees, duties or taxes that may be imposed through international purchases. If you have any concerns about safely receiving your essence in the mail, feel free to send me an email at



  • What makes both of my Mentorship programs truly priceless is that you will be held in a multidimensional mentorship matrix where you will be deeply supported, held and seen. I create exquisite energetic containers for every single mentorship client who chooses to cross the threshold and work together intimately. This is true of all my mentorships including the Nourished Woman Mentorship Program or the Sovereign Woman Mentorship Program.

    This is an essential part of what makes my mentorship programs unique and unlike any other form of therapy, coaching or mentorship that exists. In other words, I am in energetic (and often telepathic) communication with your Soul throughout the entirety of the mentorship. This means you will be energetically connected to my Higher Self and my spiritual guidance council 24/7. Depending on your level of intuition and sensitivity to subtle energies, you may be able to feel my ongoing energetic support at pivotal growth points. It is there whether you can feel it or not.

    How you experience the multidimensional mentorship matrix will look and feel a bit different to each client. It can range from having me show up in your dreams with uplifting messages or feeling my presence in your waking life receiving words of wisdom at the times you need them most. This mentorship matrix enables you to experience a beautiful combination of profound shifts with greater ease throughout the mentorship time together - on the energetic, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This includes releasing of old limiting beliefs and unhelpful patterns, awakenings of gifts, intuitive insights, greater life clarity, A-HA’s and deep transformation even when we're not together in session.

  • Over many years of offering transformative mentorships, I have found that the best way to have clients apply for new mentorship spots is to have you first experience an individual 1:1 Flower Essence Therapy Session.

    There are a number of reasons for this, but basically it allows both of us to make an informed and educated decision about whether or not working together in a deeper mentorship container feels resonant. I want the mentorship relationship to feel good for BOTH OF US. The relationship between mentor and mentee is an important part of the healing magick!

    When you book a 1:1 session it has many advantages:

    1. It allows you, the client, to get an experiential feel for the unique way I work to support you. Your first 1:1 Flower Essence Therapy session will give you a experiential sense of what working together over a longer term mentorship journey will feel like.

    2. I invest considerable time and energy into the multidimensional matrix of my mentorship containers. Therefore it is important for me to get a good intuitive feel if a client is committed to their growth and if it is in energetic alignment for us to work together. 

    3. You get the palpable and visceral benefits of the Flower Essence Therapy session. A single session is powerful and transformative and may be all you require at this time.

    If we decide to work together in a deeper mentorship container, this introductory 1:1 session establishes a beautiful foundation and usually kickstarts the next phase of your growth and transformation journey.

    Even if we decide mentoring together at this time is not the right fit, you will still receive tremendous healing benefit from your first session. I designed this all to be an intentional, mindful and beautiful win-win-win process for all.

  • If you feel called to the Nourished Woman Mentorship Program or the Sovereign Woman Mentorship Program but you do not identify as a woman, I encourage you to learn more and apply all the same. Although most of the clients I serve are women or identify as women, I do serve some beautiful courageous men as well as individuals who do not identify with a binary gender. I know gender can be a complex and nuanced part of one's identity and I fully honor your shifting and evolving experience. You deserve to live life as a nourished and sovereign human, no matter where you identify on the gender spectrum!

    The application process is the same for everyone. To apply for spot in my mentorship program you need to first book a 1 : 1 Flower Essence Therapy Session. This allows you and I to get a feel if working together in a more intimate, in-depth container is an aligned right fit for us both.

  • YES! I love working in greater depth with alumni mentorship clients.

    The Nourished Woman Mentorship Program or the Sovereign Woman Mentorship Program are both newer programs that are designed for new and alumni clients alike.

    I've had alumni mentorship clients return to participate in these new programs, to support them with greater growth, freedom, expansion and transformation and the results have been extraordinary to witness!

    If it has been at least three months since our last session together, the next step to apply for a mentorship is to book a 1:1 Flower Essence Therapy session.

    As an alumni mentorship client, during our 1:1 session we will meet you exactly where you are at now in your life, and help you to determine where you would like to grow. We will also discuss which mentorship you are interested in and how to tailor the mentorship to your unique level of experience.

  • Both the Nourished Woman Mentorship Program and the Sovereign Woman Mentorship Program are private 1:1 mentorship programs. Meaning that you get my personal and individual attention.

    I have intentionally designed them as 1:1 programs so that I can meet you exactly where you are at right now and provide you with exquisitely personalized support to help you make quantum leaps and deeply sustainable transformation.

    At this time I do not offer any group mentorship / coaching programs, although this may come in the future. Make sure you are signed up for my email newsletter list here to stay in the know about my new and upcoming offerings.

  • The EL is my Spiritual Guidance Council with whom I work intimately everyday. When you work with me, you also work with the EL. Everything we do is a co-creation. EL stands for eternal love. In truth EL is a light-encoded symbol with many multidimensional meanings but for brevity purposes we use the EL. Learn more about the EL and I here.

If you have additional questions that are not answered here, you can email