What the awakened feminine wants you to know:
What the awakened feminine wants you to know:
Image (c) Amanda Lynn Hails @amanda.lynn.hails
"There will be times on your awakening, ascension, healing, creative life journey when it feels like nothing is happening.
This is especially true in regards to remembering, reclaiming and embodying your divine feminine essence. Which is an energetic that can be much more subtle, refined, flowy, nuanced, internal, dreamy (or dream-like), emotional, intuitive, psychic and yin especially in comparison to the density and constant “doing” of the current dominant "yang obsessed" cultural paradigm and ethos.
There will be times when you may feel tired, sleepy, dreamy, very inward, quiet, still, peaceful, uninspired, bored, in limbo or a combination of the above.
Parts of the old “you” and your old realities have died away but the new "you" and your "new realities" have not yet been reborn.
You may feel as if you are almost pregnant with energies, yet not yet able to give birth. You can sense brilliant offerings, services, words, art forms, ideas and possibilities that feel just out of reach. Tangible yet intangible. Maybe frustratingly so.
Perhaps you feel as if you are moving through or treading in water 💦🌊💧or that life feels like a very bizarre dream.🤔
You may feel the wind has died down leaving your boat out at sea ⛵️🚣♂️🌬💨and you don’t have the energy to row yourself to shore and struggle against the currents as you once used to.
Or maybe you feel like you are stuck in the void. 🌌
Your mind may balk and tell you aren’t DOING enough. You may think something is wrong with you. Perhaps you worry that you are lazy or depressed or you have lost your creative zest for ever.
But let’s be very real - none of that mind chatter is actually true.
Take heart my loves. 💕 When you feel you are going so slow or even as if life has ground to a halt and nothing is happening - there is actual so much happening beneath the surface.
Stop for a moment. Get quiet.
Can you feel those deeper, subtle currents of new life flowing within your body and being? 🌊
Maybe they are wildly rushing along, maybe they are flowing steadily and maybe they are a gentle trickle. (Your mind’s job is not to judge the condition of these internal currents, but just to notice that they are there and they are very much alive).
When you feel as if you are in the void of nothing REMEMBER it is void of nothing.
It’s the zero-point field of endless and infinite possibility. A deeply misunderstood and often feared aspect of the dark feminine which is in truth an incredibly fertile and vital place for new paradigm, new way, new earth creations.
This phase and space and place you are in is vital! It is sacred!
Your divine feminine essence (the feminine polarity) is finally being given space to take the lead.
You no longer need to limit yourself to creating in a linear, solely masculine fashion! This is brilliant. You are coming online in 5D, you are remembering your true multidimensional nature, and your soul can create, grow, evolve in circles and spirals. Your incredible Soul even jump back and forth between timelines as it sees fit!
And now for a word of advice at this very sacred juncture you find yourself in, you’ll likely be tempted to push and force yourself out of this space before you are fully ready to emerge, to launch, to birth.
Your mind won’t be able to control things like it used to and won’t understand non-linear, heart-centered, soul centered, oriented living and creating with the feminine polarity taking the lead for a bit. (It's her time to shine, and again we mean this regardless of gender identity).
If you can please find the courage within to cultivate patience, to trust in your feminine essence and to re-calibrate to her (aka your) own creative and internal rhythms - which sometimes may feel too slow and other times may feel too fast! We promise you as you trust in her, your feminine essence and her own innately wise sense of timing for your life, your souls’ work, your creations and those who will be served by you and what you offer will be all the richer for it.
We promise whole heart-ed-ly in the truth of this.
With love and encouragement,
Jana + the EL
Reclaim your Sacred Feminine power to fulfill your soul’s mission.
This unique, in-depth mentorship with me and key Goddesses leads you into the next stage of your heroic life journey. Experience magical synchronicities and life-changing transformation as you learn to alchemize the holiness within your humanity and live as your light. To learn more about my signature Divine Feminine Mentorship program, click the button below.