Winter 2021 Eclipse Season Energy Update + Thrive Guide
11/11 is a powerful “Ascension” day that happens every year, when light codes stream onto the planet. This day and the necessary energetic upgrades - for individuals and the Earth herself - is overseen by Archangel Metatron as a representative of the Galactic Council overseeing the entire project of Earth ascending into 5D consciousness.
This is followed by a Lunar Eclipse portal that coincided with the Full Moon in Taurus on Friday November 19, 2021. This Lunar Eclipse is like the cosmic 5D WiFi router got unplugged for a bit last night and then plugged back in, allowing for a much needed “reset.”
However its more than likely that whatever you were “downloading from the cosmos" before this eclipse likely got interrupted and having extra patience with yourself and the process of whatever you are creating, working on, actualizing, manifesting right now throughout the end of the year is a wonderful idea!
The final eclipse of 2021 will be the on the New Moon in Sagittarius, Total Solar Eclipse on Friday, December 3rd. However your human (physical) body will likely need additional rest and time to integrate the energetic shifts occuring during this eclipse season until the Winter Solstice on 12/21/21. (The first eclipse season of 2021 happened in May + June of this year).
You can think of the eclipses as cosmic resets or “dark phases” when it is best to rest and be gentle with oneself. They are not the best times for active manifestation or tons of activity, as ascension symptoms and emotional triggers can and do heighten during eclipse portals. I discuss 10 steps to thrive during any eclipse season in part 2 of this post down below. Eclipses can also provide necessary cosmic support for shadow work.
Self-Portrait by Jana Carrey (c) 2021
The beauty of this year’s 2021 eclipse season is that is allowing many to come to a place of completion with a number of the deeper shadows + healing crisis’ that reared their head back in the very intense eclipse season(s) 2020. In this years 2021’s eclipse seasons, many are completing karmic patterns and healing wounds that your Soul has been tending to for the last 5, 10, 20 years or possibly even lifetimes.
Many of us who are on the first wave of ascension, have been on a rather intensive path of spiritual growth and physical ascension starting around 11/11/11 - 12/21/12 (or thereabouts). Of course we all are on our own individual paths, however, many will come to a place of beautiful completion throughout this year ending with this winter solstice 12/21/21.
Throughout this final eclipse season of 2021 there will be a great sense of all your - at times very grueling - inner spiritual + healing work finally starting to pay off and bear fruits. As time goes on you will not only witness this within yourself, but it will also be reflected to you externally through your perception of the world around you as well as noticing that what you magnetize you is shifting as well. This is incredibly beautiful news!
The name of the game is to go with the flow and let the energy work with you, which for some may feel like the energy is working you over! It is. It’s best not to try to work against or fight reality. You will be rewarded with a full embodied integration that allows you to make quantum leaps in many areas of your life moving forward into 2022!
5 Tips for thriving during an Eclipse Season:
These tips help you to thrive during any eclipse season or astrologically / energetically intense period on Earth. You can also choose to follow these tips every day, as they will support the ups and downs that can accompany spiritual awakening and physical ascension. The more we awaken, the more sensitive we become and the more important and life changing these 10 steps become!
Slow Down.
Remember that your life is not a race to be won (neither is awakening or ascension) and that no one can fulfill your divine destiny but you. Rome was not built in a day which metaphorically speaking means that anything that you are meant to create that contributes to your legacy of love on this planet takes time. Return to the breath frequently. When you slow your breathing down, your whole nervous system receives permission to relax. Allow yourself to slow the pace down at which you move throughout your day, as much as you can and ease up on your expectations of yourself, especially if you are healing the wound of perfectionism/ people pleasing or the wound of ”I am not enough”. Instead of trying to do more faster (the old wounded masculine paradigm), remember in the new paradigm that how you do things (the feminine or the being behind the doing) is just as important as what you are doing. When we slow down, we allow ourselves to align with the breath and move at a more sustainable pace, so we can integrate our being with our doing. When we are forced to slow down, either by external forces such as the COVID-19 pandemic or by feeling emotionally or physically unwell on our Ascension journey (which can be exacerbated during eclipse seasons) this helps us to integrate and calibrate with the much slower natural cycles of Earth time. When you give yourself time to just rest, to just be - you are actually giving your body a welcome relief and a chance to catch up on its healing journey. Which it often needs, as the human body takes more time to integrate changes and quantum leaps than our energetic (light) bodies do.
Simplify + Create Space As Much AS POSSIBLE. 🧘🏿♂️
Simplifying your life can include clearing things off your to-do list and not trying to cram as much into your daily schedule. Give yourself more space between tasks, meetings, appointments.⏱ Build in pauses or moments of “white space” time in your day, in the week, in the month and in the year. This will help your nervous system to relax and your ego to unwind and integrate. Many modern people, who move at the unnatural addictive speed of technology, which is always “on” unless we choose to turn it “off”,” avoid creating space in our lives as it goes against the conditioning of the ego who does not want to unravel or give up control. Simplifying your life can also mean cutting out unnecessary distractions and clutter - this can include everything from decluttering your home/office/garage/storage units and getting rid of excess possessions, to clearing out events in your social calendar that do not feel good, to letting go of relationships that do not serve your highest good and do not feel good to your heart. (To this end I am taking a 1 month sabbatical this winter from Dec 10 - Jan 10th!) Spend more time in nature.
Another way to allow yourself to feel connected to the Energy of spaciousness and simplicity, is to spend time in nature. Going out in nature is a free and easy tool to assist your body with ascension and eclipse season related symptoms. All of nature lives in harmony. Through the constructs of our mind we can feel separate from nature and often separate from life itself. When we take time to connect with Mother Earth / Gaia / the natural world, it helps us to remember that this harmony, and living in flow with natural cycles and seasons, is in fact our true nature as well.
Get enough rest...
Get more rest and allow yourself to sleep more when you need it. There is so much healing and integration that happens naturally when we bypass the judgements of our minds and allow our bodies more sleep or rest. If you have morning flexibility try not to set an alarm clock and wake up when your body naturally wants to wake up. If that’s not possible during the week, try it on the weekends. Steps 6, 7 and 8 below will also help improve the quality of your sleep. For those of you who want to enhance your creativity and/or are into “productivity hacks”, please know that NOTHING improves productivity and creativity better than a good night’s sleep.
Aim to minimize time around EMFs and electronics.⚡️
As much as possible, obviously many of us are connected to technology for work and our livelihoods, but we do not need to be “plugged in” 24-7 to the low grade radiation that these devices emit. By keeping your devices on airplane mode or turning them off when you aren’t using them - and by taking breaks off of technology to spend time in nature, create art, excersize, cook, meditate, read a book, etc. - you are giving your body and your nervous system a much needed break from technology overload. Try eating your meals without being on devices to help your body with digestion and to allow your body to go into rest and digest mode.
PRO TIP: Turn the WIFI off at night and keep technology out of the bedroom where you sleep, especially at night! This will help your sleep cycles and your body immensely.
Use the emotional and energetic healing support of Flower Essence Therapy
Flower Essences are liquid bio-energetic remedies made from the vibratory essence of living flowers, plants and trees encoded in water. They are a profound yet very safe way to support yourself during the process of ascension. Flower Essence Therapy, also know as Flower Essence Alchemy, supports your holistic healing on all four levels of your being: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. The aim of flower essence alchemy is to use customized formulas to support you in releasing old limiting beliefs and conditioning so that you can make more empowered choices in all areas of your life. The deeper intention of flower essence alchemy is embodying the highest version of yourself living life fully in the present moment without the shadows aka old familial conditioning, ancestral trauma, viral programming or the wounded parts of yourself running the show. Flower Essence Therapy is a wonderful way to support shadow work. If you are new to working with flower essences therapeutically and at this depth, it is recommended you work with a licensed and trained flower essence therapist or practitioner.
Come home to your body with the healing magic of flower medicine
The way I offer Flower Essence Therapy, interweaves quantum healing with gentle plant medicine so you can feel safe, strong and at home in your body — as you were always meant to live.
Flower Essence Therapy is a highly recommended form of support during eclipse seasons and other energetically intense times in your life.
There are two ways to receive Flower Medicine with Jana, through both the Flower Medicine Journey and a single Flower Essence Therapy session.
About Jana:
Jana is a lightworker, a master intuitive healer, arcane wisdom keeper and a divine feminine oracular teacher and a multidimensional mentor + guide. Her work is a unique blend of intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, depth psychology and spiritual mentorship.
She is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening and remembrance began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and twin flame, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.